You can use native image generator to speed up your application Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe)
Code Project : Ngen.exe — A discussion — Some Queries (.NET Framework Tools Series)

Discurssion on stackoverflow : What Are Some Good .NET Profilers?

JetBrains dotTrace and Redgate ANTS

EQATEC profiler is quite basic and requires you to compile special instrumented versions of your assemblies which can then be run in the EQATEC profiler. It is, however, free.
– The free Microsoft CLR Profiler is all you need for .NET memory profiling.
The profiler in Visual Studio is also really easy to use, Visual Studio 2010 is in Beta and hence is free also. There have been multiple enhancements in 2010 for viewing contention and concurrency
– In the past, I’ve used the profiler that ships with Visual Studio Team System.
nProf – a prefectly good, freeware profiler

A list of Open Source Profilers in C# compiled by

MSDN : Profiler/Optimization Tools list from « C# Programming Tools » page.