Jobs semble avoir perdu 9 mois avant de ses décider à faire opérer son cancer, et diminué ses chances de survie. Il faut cependant éviter de se précipiter pour en tirer trop de conclusions :
Respectful Insolence – Orac : Steve Jobs, neuroendocrine tumors, and alternative medicine
Le complément à partir de détails supplémentaires tiré de la biographie :
Orac : “Just one more thing”
David Gorski : “And one more thing” about Steve Jobs’ battle with cancer

La source officielle d’origine :

Gawker Harvard Cancer Expert: Steve Jobs Probably Doomed Himself With Alternative Medicine

Scientific American : Did Alternative Medicine Extend or Abbreviate Steve Jobs’s Life?

Quelques liens de plus sur cette thérapie alternative du cancer, le traitement à base de cures de vitamine et de lavement au café, alias la thérapie Gerson / Gonzalez :
Orac : The Orange Man
Le résultat désastreux de la seule étude en double aveugle sur le sujet :
The Gonzalez protocol: Worse than useless for pancreatic cancer
La vantardise malgrè tout du médecin en question sur le sujet :
Nicholas Gonzalez on Steve Jobs: If only he had come to see me…

Efficacité du screening et de la détection rapide des cancers :
No, the New York Times did not “kill your patient.”
“Overselling” mammography?
No, redefining cancer doesn’t mean death panels
ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) before on multiple occasions
– malignant-appearing ductal cells are observed in the milk ducts of the breast but have not yet invaded through the membrane surrounding the duct
– a lot of DCIS, possibly even most DCIS, never progresses to invasive cancer or progresses so slowly that the women who have it die of something else
– same sort of behavior occurs with a lot of early stage prostate cancer in men
– before the advent of widespread mammographic screening, DCIS was a relatively uncommon diagnosis
– recent study found that DCIS incidence rose from 1.87 per 100,000 in the mid-1970s to 32.5 in 2004.
– more than 16-fold increase over 30 years, and it’s pretty much all due to the introduction of mammographic screening of asymptomatic women
– detecting and treating these cancers aggressively has not resulted in a proportionate decrease in metastatic and locally advanced cancer
– screening takes a lot of effort for, on an absolute basis, not as many lives saved as most people, even doctors, believe

L’évolution rapide des tumeurs pour échapper aux traitements et le gène P53
– bowel cancer in which the number one tumour repressor p53 was mutated, presumably the reason for the tumour,
– hypoxia or oxygen starvation was the cause of the bowel cancer, not the mutations in the p53 tumour repressor. I suggested that the mutations in the p53 were a RESULT of the hypoxia
– Stress>adrenalin>PGF2>vasoconstriction>HYPOXIA>p53 mutation>CANCER
– p53 : when mutated at certain loci on the gene the protein derived was a tumor inducer with as many roles as an inducer as it has as a repressor (around 8 or 9 all up)
– completely unlike other repressors such as BRAC 1 and 2 or RB (retinoblastoma) which are only permissive of tumorogenesis when mutated
– in lung cancers a pyrobenzene found in cigarette smoke induced a mutation (from memory) always in base 187

sur l’efficacité des chimiothérapies

Efficacité des système soins pour le cancer en Europe et aux US, analyse comparée.