C’est tout simplement pas réellement rentable :

Voir le commentaire suivant:
I’m an independent developer and recently launched a World Cup iPhone app […]
It’s been extremely well received and the reviews in the App Store tell their own story, overwhelmingly positive. My costs involved two months developing it and paying a third party for the license to use the data (which was a fairly hefty cost for an individual like myself), it’s 100% my own work and I took a break from freelancing to give me the opportunity to complete the app. I hoped that at worst case I would cover my costs […]

My numbers so far are very much in line with what you are discussing. Even though the app has been reasonably successful (in the top 10 across a number of European countries and particularly strong in the UK where it’s been in the top 5 selling sports apps for the last couple of days) I’m still struggling to break even on the venture.