dump CFG to a graph by dehydra:
– function ‘write_dot_graph’ in analysis.js : prints out a graph in ‘dot’ format, as used by GraphViz
to produce an SVG file, run ‘dot -Tsvg foo.dot > foo.svg’
– more of a demo that prints live range data.

C’est quoi les CFG ?
Context-free grammar en fait.
La documentation là dessus dans GCC : Et un peu de réflexion sur le sujet.

Resulting Treehydra script that prints all the CFGs alone :
// Run after CFG-building pass so that we have CFGs.
require({ after_gcc_pass: 'cfg' });


// Treehyra calls this callback for each function defined.
function process_tree(fndecl) {
// Get the CFG for the function
var cfg = function_decl_cfg(fndecl);
// Write a DOT graph representation of the CFG
my_write_dot_graph(cfg, 'My CFG', '/tmp/cfg.dot');

// I copied this from analysis.js and removed a line that prints out
// live ranges based on a previous analysis.
/** Write a DOT representation of the cfg to the given file. */
function my_write_dot_graph(cfg, name, filename) {
let content = 'digraph ' + name + ' {\n';
content += '\tnode [shape="rect", fontname="Helvetica"];\n'
for (let bb in cfg_bb_iterator(cfg)) {
//content += '\t' + bb.index + '[label="' + bb_label(cfg, bb) + '"];\n';
let items = [
[ isn_display(isn) for (isn in bb_isn_iterator(bb)) ].join('\\n')
let label = '{' + items.join('|') + '}';
// Dot requires escaping with record shapes.
label = label.replace('>', '\\>')
label = label.replace('< ', '\\<') content += '\t' + bb.index + '[shape=record,label="' + label + '"];\n' for (let bb_succ in bb_succs(bb)) { content += '\t' + bb.index + ' -> ' + bb_succ.index + ';\n'
content += '}\n';
write_file(filename, content);